> 春节2024 > 大年三十吃团圆饭英文介绍




The Chinese New Year\'s Eve dinner, also known as the reunion dinner, is a significant tradition in Chinese culture. It takes place on the last day of the lunar calendar year and is considered the most important meal of the year. This dinner is a time for family members to gather together, celebrate the past year, and welcome the new year. It is a joyful occasion filled with delicious food, laughter, and traditional customs.


The Chinese New Year\'s Eve dinner, also known as the reunion dinner, is a grand feast consisting of various dishes symbolizing good luck, prosperity, and happiness. Some of the traditional foods served during this special meal include dumplings, fish, spring rolls, rice cakes, and hot pot. Each dish carries its own symbolic meaning and is meticulously prepared to bring good fortune for the coming year. The dinner is a time for family members to bond and enjoy a delicious feast together.


A: What is the Chinese New Year\'s Eve dinner all about?
B: The Chinese New Year\'s Eve dinner is a cherished tradition during the Spring Festival. It is a time for family members to gather and enjoy a hearty meal together.
A: What kind of food is usually served?
B: Various dishes are served, such as dumplings, fish, spring rolls, and rice cakes, which symbolize good luck and prosperity for the new year.
A: That sounds wonderful. Is there any specific etiquette or customs to follow during the dinner?
B: Yes, there are customs like leaving some food unfinished to symbolize an abundance of food in the coming year. It is also customary to give red envelopes with money as a blessing for the children.
A: Thank you for the explanation. It sounds like a meaningful and delicious feast!


Our family enjoyed a wonderful New Year\'s Eve dinner filled with laughter, love, and delicious food. The dining table was adorned with a wide array of traditional dishes, each carrying its own symbolic meaning. We started the meal with a plate of dumplings, which represent wealth and prosperity. The fish served was a symbol of abundance and good luck for the coming year. We savored the crispy spring rolls, symbolizing a fresh start and new beginnings. Rice cakes were also present, symbolizing a higher income and career advancement. We ended the meal with sweet glutinous rice balls, symbolizing family togetherness and unity. Throughout the dinner, we shared stories, exchanged blessings, and enjoyed the company of our loved ones. It was truly a heartwarming and memorable experience.


Our family enjoyed a fantastic New Year\'s Eve dinner this year. It was a special gathering filled with laughter, love, and of course, delicious food. The whole family came together to celebrate the arrival of the new year. We sat around a beautifully decorated table, eagerly waiting for the feast to begin. As the dishes were brought out one by one, the enticing aromas filled the air and our anticipation grew. We indulged in a sumptuous feast consisting of traditional Chinese delicacies. From succulent dumplings to mouthwatering fish, each dish was carefully prepared and enjoyed by all. The dinner not only satisfied our taste buds but also symbolized good luck, prosperity, and happiness for the coming year. As we savored the flavors and shared stories, the atmosphere was filled with warmth and joy. It was truly a night to remember, and we felt grateful to have the opportunity to celebrate together as a family.


The Chinese New Year\'s Eve dinner, also known as the reunion dinner, is a time-honored tradition in China. It is the most important meal of the year, where families gather to enjoy a feast and celebrate the arrival of the new year. The dinner is a symbol of unity, harmony, and prosperity. Traditional dishes, such as dumplings, fish, and spring rolls, are served to bring good luck and blessings for the coming year. The meal is accompanied by joyous conversations, laughter, and the exchange of heartfelt wishes. It is a time for family members to reconnect, reflect on the past year, and look forward to the future together. The Chinese New Year\'s Eve dinner is a cherished tradition that reinforces the importance of family and the spirit of togetherness.


On the eve of Chinese New Year, families across the country gather to celebrate and enjoy a lavish feast known as the New Year\'s Eve dinner. The dining table is adorned with an array of mouthwatering dishes, each representing different wishes for the coming year. The aroma of steamed dumplings, symbolizing wealth and prosperity, fills the air. People eagerly gather around the hot pot, cooking and sharing various ingredients, symbolizing togetherness and unity. The sound of laughter and clinking of glasses can be heard as family members toast to a prosperous year ahead. The New Year\'s Eve dinner is a time for families to reaffirm their bond, express gratitude, and look forward to a new beginning. It is a special occasion filled with joy, love, and the celebration of tradition.


The Chinese New Year\'s Eve dinner is a feast that showcases a wide variety of mouthwatering dishes. Traditionally, this special meal includes an abundance of symbolic and delicious foods. Fish, representing prosperity and abundance, is a must-have dish. Dumplings, shaped like ingots, symbolize wealth and good fortune. Noodles are served for longevity and happiness. Spring rolls are enjoyed for their golden color, symbolizing wealth and prosperity. Sticky rice cakes, often infused with sweet fillings or coated in sesame seeds, represent unity and family togetherness. These are just a few examples of the delightful foods that adorn the New Year\'s Eve dinner table. The meal is not only a culinary delight but also a reflection of Chinese culture and traditions.


Today is Chinese New Year\'s Eve, and my family had a grand family dinner at home. It is a longstanding tradition for Chinese families to come together and celebrate the arrival of the new year with a delicious feast. The dining table was beautifully set with red decorations, symbolizing good luck and happiness. We sat around the table, eagerly awaiting the start of the dinner. The air was filled with excitement, laughter, and the aroma of mouthwatering dishes. The whole family, from grandparents to grandchildren, gathered to enjoy this special meal. We shared stories, exchanged blessings, and expressed gratitude for the past year. It was a joyous occasion filled with love, warmth, and togetherness. The New Year\'s Eve dinner not only satisfied our cravings for delicious food but also strengthened the bonds between family members. It was a truly memorable evening that brought us closer as a family.


How to say \"年夜饭\" in English? Chinese New Year\'s Eve dinner is the translation for \"年夜饭.\" It is also referred to as the reunion dinner or the family feast. This special meal is a time for family members to come together and celebrate the new year, and it holds great significance in Chinese culture. It is a symbol of unity, prosperity, and happiness.